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Making Posters

We are looking for volunteers who are caring about these children and would willing to dedicate their time to writing letters or making crafts that would bring warmth to their patients' rooms. Doesn't matter if you are good at drawing or handwork. It's just about showing your love to them!

Here are some examples and places that you can look at as inspirations.

For all cards/letters/crafts you made, you can...

  • Take a picture of each

  • Go to CamScanner

  • Generate a PDF

  • Email to us

We will print them out and send them to the children's hospital. We will set up the PO Box as soon as possible and you can mail us the envelope with your letters in it at that time!


We are so glad to work with our amazing volunteers. Thanks for all the love and warmth you put into your work. We really appreciate the light that you brought to patients’ rooms. And we provide certifications for all volunteers who make cards/letters/crafts. You can scroll down and fill out the form below about how long you have been working on your art. Please Be Honest. We will get back to you soon.

- Certification -

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